Start registration edition IX
12.11.2024 19.00 h
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Encuentro Porteño VIII
Encuentro Porteño 2025 in Amsterdam is coming up:
‘El encuentro más Porteño in Europe’…. We are more inspired then ever!! It will be the eight edition. Date: 15.05.2025-18.05.2025.
Caracteristics of Encuentro Porteño: Excellent Porteño DJ’s, a mix of passionate dancers from all ages, our warm team hosting you during four nights and the dinner peña party on sunday as the cherry on top.
Dancers with Latino hearts from 30 different countries will create a strong Porteño vibe at Encuentro Porteño IX. Six great Argentinian and European DJ’s will create an exceptional tango-synergy.
You can find more information at the facebook group of Encuentro Porteño, or at the website